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A League of Their Own US Road Trip
Madcap presenters of UK TV show go on a US road trip
English Royalty: A Guide for the Rest of Us
They are the most famous royal family on the planet. They have massive influence, wealth and power and they once sat at the head of the world's largest Empire - they are the English Royal Family. But what do they do? Where and how did they get their power? Why do they still sit on the throne of a modern 21st century democracy?
A Place for Us: West Side Story's Legacy
A documentary with stars from the original cast.
Meltup: The Beginning Of US Currency Crisis And Hyperinflation
The National Inflation Association believes Meltup is the most important economic documentary ever produced in world history. The Second American Revolution has begun! Please share this documentary with all of your friends and family members immediately!
Killing Us Softly 4: Advertising's Image Of Women
The documentary focuses on images of women in advertising, in particular on gender stereotypes, the effects of advertising on women's self-image and the objectification of women's bodies.
Hart to Hart: Till Death Do Us Hart
On a mission of mercy, Jennifer Hart is in Germany to donate bone marrow to Maximilian, a young leukemia patient. Following the operation, she plans to spend a romantic anniversary in Munich with her husband Jonathan. The bone marrow clinic's director, Peter Donner, is surprised by Jennifer's uncanny resemblance to his French fiancée, Simone Grohe. When she goes missing, Jennifer steps in to play the role of Simone to save Peter the embarrassment of an explanation to his cousin and benefactor Karl von Ostenberg at the lavish engagement party. But, of course, it is Karl who kidnapped Simone - in order to control the fate of Peter's inheritance - and now Jennifer is in as much danger as Simone! Once again the Harts tackle danger and mystery with their usual devil-may-care charm and romance
HumaniTree: A Story of us Humans, from the roots to the fruits around the world
One planet, one human race and so many problems. The HUMANiTREE is a 90 minute documentary that is the most up to date film on humanities collective story on earth. It explains the evidence of human origins in Africa, and how black people spread across the globe seeding civilizations before we became so many different ethnicity's. Today the earth is at a tipping point from human activity, learn the story of how cultures evolved, survived, thrived, clashed, mixed, learned and innovated so we may build a better world for tomorrow. 8 young people from south Wales worked alongside a professional film crew to embark on an incredible journey of research and investigation.
ETs Among Us 6: My Cosmic Journey - Revelations of a Psychic CEO
Unusually gifted, successful CEO/entrepreneur Sebastien Martin has experienced accurate prophetic visions for years. While ignoring his psychic abilities to build a normal life, Sebastien's shocking memories of his alien past intensified after a strange encounter with an Annunaki ET claiming to be his soul brother - leading to a profound journey of self-discovery and an urgent message to humanity.
Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA War on Musicians and Activists
Evidence supports that the CIA manipulated musicians and activists to promote drugs for social control, particularly regarding the Civil Rights and anti-war movements. Some musicians that resisted these manipulations were killed.
War Made Easy: How Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death
War Made Easy reaches into the Orwellian memory hole to expose a 50-year pattern of government deception and media spin that has dragged the United States into one war after another from Vietnam to Iraq. revealing in stunning detail how the American news media have uncritically disseminated the pro-war messages of successive presidential administrations.