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Search results for How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

Normandy: The Airborne Invasion of Fortress Europe
Army Air Force produced documentary with footage of the IX Troop Carrier Command and the "Path Finders" and "Glider Rider" that were part of the airborne portion of the Allied invasion of Normandy.
Smash-Up: The Story of a Woman
A nightclub singer uses alcohol in excess to sooth her painful life.
Victory on the Right Bank Ukraine
Dovzhenko and Solntseva's documentary about the end of the war.
A Tale of Archery at the Sanjusangendo
In A Tale of Archery, young, timid bowmaster Kazuma (Akitake Kôno) seeks to beat the archery record set by Hoshino Kanzaemon, a mysterious figure who, it is rumored, drove the previous champion (Kazuma’s father) to suicide. Possessed of much raw talent, Kazuma is also very much a coward, holing himself up in an inn run by the kindly Okinu (Kinuyo Tanaka) and generally avoiding confrontation of any sort. Despite his clandestine manner, enough of the locals know of Kazuma’s purpose and an attempt is made on his life. He is saved by Karatsu Kanbei (Kazuo Hasegawa), a samurai who offers to help Kazuma hone his archery skills, though it soon becomes clear that this apparently selfless stranger has several potentially shady ulterior motives.
Charlie Chan in the Secret Service
Charlie Chan is an agent of the US government working in Washington DC and he is assigned to investigate the murder of the inventor of a highly advanced torpedo. Aiding Chan is his overeager but dull-witted son Tommy and his daughter Iris.
The Blitzed Cities of Bristol and Bath
Vivid colour footage of the wartime devastation wreaked on Bristol and Bath - and the barely affected village of Chew Magna.
Deep in the Heart of Texas
Hoping to increase its box-office allure by adopting the title of a popular song, Deep in the Heart of Texas (clap!clap!clap!clap!) was the first Johnny Mack Brown western of the 1942-43 season. The plot concerns a group of insurrectionists who intend to keep Texas separate from the rest of the USA.
The Lone Wolf Takes a Chance
A reformed jewel thief fights to clear his name when he's framed for murder.
Billy the Kid in Santa Fe
Falsely accused of murder, Billy is able to escape thanks to his pals. Once in Santa Fe, he meets once again the man who lied during the trial.
The Lone Wolf Keeps a Date
Complicated plot involving missing stamp collection and kidnapped businessman, with the Lone Wolf keeping one step ahead of the police in Havana trying to solve the crime and make a profit.