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Search results for Sonic the Hedgehog 2

F. You All: The Uwe Boll Story
Honing his craft as an indie filmmaker in Germany in the early 90s, Uwe Boll never could have imagined the life that lay before him. From working with Oscar-winning actors and making films with US$60million budgets to having actors publicly disparage him and online petitions demanding he stop making films, Boll continued to work; he has a filmography of 32 features, a career that has led to his new life as a successful high-end restauranteur. Already a cult legend, he will be remembered forever in the film world; for some, as a modern-day Ed Wood, who made films so bad, they're good, while for others, a prolific filmmaker who came from a small town in Germany and never compromised his integrity while forging his own unique Hollywood trajectory.
Coop and Cami Ask the World
Two middle-school siblings make nearly all of their decisions by crowdsourcing opinions from the millions of followers of Cooper's online channel, Would You Wrather?
Bad Times at the El Royale
Lake Tahoe, 1969. Seven strangers, each one with a secret to bury, meet at El Royale, a decadent motel with a dark past. In the course of a fateful night, everyone will have one last shot at redemption.
Newsreel 63 – The Train of Shadows
How to relate the first Lumière film about a train to dangerous scenes shot on a smartphone by contemporary refugees hidden between iron wheels? The maker is part of an activist movement striving to revive the independent, critical newsreel efforts of the 1960s and 1970s.
A Dying King: The Shah of Iran
On January 16, 1979, the then Shah of Iran, left Iran commencing what became a 19-month odyssey to exile in Egypt, Morocco, Bahamas, Mexico, US, Panama, and back to Egypt again where he passed away. His death had profound consequences for the future of the middle east and the world, yet the untold medical story of the late Shah of Iran has to date remained a puzzling mystery. This documentary leads viewers to the main causes of the Iranian revolution, pursuant hostage crisis, and the state of relations between the U.S. and Iran.
The Protagonist and His Pathetic Fallacy
A drama film directed by George Ambrose.
Penny Slinger: Out of the Shadows
"Penny Slinger - Out Of The Shadows" is the incredible, untold story of the British artist Penny Slinger and the traumatic events that led to the creation of her masterpiece, the 1977 photo-romance, 'An Exorcism'.
Behind Closed Doors: The American Family
Three brave American families, each at a crossroads in their relationships, have allowed remote controlled cameras to be placed throughout their home documenting every detail of their lives, 24/7.