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American Dictators: Staging of the 2004 Presidential Election
In Alex Jones' 11th feature documentary, made in 2004, Alex documents the major candidates in the staged 2004 United States presidential election.
Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson
The story of Jack Johnson, the first African American Heavyweight boxing champion.
Go! Anpanman: Nyanii of the Country of Dream Cats
When a comet that comes back once in a hundred years, Dream Suisei, is travelling by Earth, everybody sees the same dream of a foreign world. Melonpanna saves an egg from being crushed and wakes up to find out that the egg has followed her home. A kitten hatches from the egg, and Melonpanna names her Nyanii and starts caring for her. But soon they find out that Nyanii is needed back on Dream Suisei, and if she doesn't return there, she will vanish. Melonpanna struggles with the upcoming hard goodbyes, but the real trouble starts when Baikinman accidentally awakens the evil monster Muuma.
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Cheri Oteri
Cheri Oteri's peppy, energetic style always made her characters on SNL hilarious to watch. From physical comedy (along side Will Ferrell) as the Cheerleader, Arianna, to impressions of Barbara Walters and Judge Judy, to wacky characters like Rita Del Vecchio, Nadeen or prescription drug junkie Collette Reardon, Cheri made audiences laugh so hard they often needed time to "Simma Down."
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Christopher Walken
A collection of Christopher Walken's greatest SNL skits and hosting jobs
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Tom Hanks
A collection of Tom Hanks sketches during his times hosting Saturday Night Live.
Saturday Night Live: The Best of Will Ferrell - Volume 2
In all of Saturday Night Live history, one of the greatest of the greats is Will Ferrell, and this is the ultimate collection for the Ferrell fan. You'll get Janet Reno's Dance Party, The Lovers, James Lipton's "Inside the Actor's Studio", the classic Wake Up and Smile, the legendary Bill Brasky, and many more.
ECW vs. USWA: Civil War of the 90's
As part of WWE announcer Jerry Lawler's feud with ECW, the USWA promotion hosted a cross-promotion show with ECW in Memphis. The main event featured Lawler and his son, Brian Christopher, against Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman.
Call Me: The Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss
The story of Heidi Fleiss, known as "The Hollywood Madam", who was the daughter of a prominent Los Angeles doctor and eventually became a prostitute for a well-known Los Angeles madam. She took over her boss' operation and soon was raking in $300,000 a month by hiring only the most beautiful and highest-class hookers and catering to wealthy Hollywood types, European and American corporate executives and Arab sheiks. Her operation was broken up by Los Angeles police in 1993, and she eventually went to prison for income-tax evasion.
Masters of Production: The Hidden Art of Hollywood Film
Using interviews with top designers, art and plans from their workshops, and the films themselves this documentary explores the influence of these artists on the iconography of our culture.