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Search results for The Shape of Water

Ring of Bright Water
Stuck in a dead-end job, Graham Merrill adopts an otter, Mij, as a pet and then moves to an isolated village in western Scotland. Together they set out to explore the curious and magnificent natural wonders that surround their seaside home. Soon, Graham finds himself falling in love with the beautiful town doctor, Mary. Before long, the three become inseparable friends.
Water Bull Water
On the eve of the Candelaria festival in Mexico, Ariana suffers her love for the Cebu bull that lives in the countryside on the other side of the river. At the celebration, Cebu will be taken to the village to be persecuted and killed. Among the persecutors is Manuel, Ariana's husband and father of the baby she carries.
Hot Water, Cold Water
In a poor neighborhood, teenagers plot an assassination while a party is being organized for the local usurer.
Taste of Water
In the village of "Dizaj Dol" near Iran's Lake Urmia, water scarcity has dried up wells and gardens. Farmers Kak Mohammad and Mashhadi Askar, who come from different backgrounds, are facing the environmental challenges in their own way. Kak Mohammad's well still has some water, but as the sea dries up, he can no longer feed his garden. Drought and salt storms bring disasters that lead to recession, unemployment and disease in the region. Villagers turn to prayer, each following his faith: Mashhadi Asgar and the Azaris hold a ceremony near the dried lake, while Kak Mohammad and the Kurds gather in mosques. Despite setbacks, Kak Mohammad persists with wedding plans for his son, but concerns about the future and the state of the lake persist.
Fish Out of Water
Fish Out of Water
Fish out of Water
Fish out of Water tackles the seven Bible verses used to condemn homosexuality and justify marriage discrimination. This feature documentary uses humor and original animation to make a traditionally complex and controversial topic accessible to those who don't like talking about religion and sexuality. Fish out of Water dives into the underbelly of America, crisscrosses red and blue states and talks to ministers from every denomination to uncover America's impassioned relationship with homosexuality and the Bible. With slapstick animation and quirky interviews taken everywhere from barbershops to mega churches, Fish out of Water delivers a voice to the oppressed and informs to the misled. Most importantly, Fish out of Water sits down with hundreds of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender folks to impart their experiences with faith and sexuality.
Glass of Water
The action takes place in 1714 in the London royal palace of St. James. The Duchess of Marlborough, the favorite of the weak-willed queen, skillfully rules the state. Her political opponent, former minister Lord Bolingbroke, dreaming of restoring his influence at court, successfully wages a cunning war against the duchess, using the rivalry between the queen and the duchess of Marlborough, who are in love with the young officer Mesham.
Out of Water
Barbara saw her aquarium break after ending a four-year marriage with Lorena. She suffocates in her daily life as she tries to pick up the pieces of her life, but can no longer. Everything is out of place and Barbara no longer has control over anything. Her work, her home and her life as a whole become a labyrinth, where nothing else can serve to guide her. Spaces mix, things move out of place, noises take her away from her and she is no longer able to know what is actually happening around her. While struggling outside her aquarium, Barbara will have to look for the ocean so she doesn't suffocate.