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Search results for Top Gun: Maverick

Cruel Gun
Hong Kong Movie
Gun Crazy
Bart Tare is an ex-Army man who has a lifelong fixation with guns, he meets a kindred spirit in sharpshooter Annie Starr and goes to work at a carnival. After upsetting the carnival owner who lusts after Starr, they both get fired. Soon, on Starr's behest, they embark on a crime spree for cash.
Machine Gun
Diana González works for the police and successfully eliminates narco dealers. One of the narco bosses, Constantino, decides to punish her by making Diana's sister to use drugs. This poor girl ends up dying in a S&M orgy. Now Diana is going to kill all those who wronged her with her Machinegun (La metralleta) while being pursued by drug dealers and the local police.
Frontier Gun
Small-town sheriff discovers that gun-fighting is the only way to clean up the town.
Gun Girls
Pregnancy cramps the style of a young female hoodlum who joins her fellow delinquents on regular robbery sprees.
Gun Brothers
Recently discharged cavalry sergeant Chad Santee (Buster Crabbe) joins his brother, Jubal (Neville Brand), and discovers that Jubal is a wanted outlaw. On the way he meets Rose Fargo and rescues her from the unwanted advances of a gambler, "Blackjack". When Chad and Rose arrive they find that Jubal and his partner, Shawnee, are really rustlers and outlaws. Jubal tries to get Chad to join them but he refuses, and leaves to set up his own homestead with Rose at his side. Later, the repentant Jubal comes to join him. Shawnee, angry at what he considers a double-cross, attacks the brothers with his gang.
The Gun
An aimless college student comes upon the aftermath of a murder scene one night, and without thinking, grabs the titular weapon. He takes it home and keeps it safely hidden away, but curiosity gradually begins to consume him.
Gun Hill
A con man, Bird Stevens, assumes the identity of his cop twin brother, Trane, after his death; and goes on a search for his own redemption.
Gun Shy
Legendary undercover DEA agent Charlie Mayough has suddenly lost his nerves of steel. On the verge of a career-induced mental breakdown, and in complete fear of trigger-happy Mafia leader Fulvio Nesstra, Charlie seeks psychiatric help and finds himself relying on the support of an unstable therapy group and nurse Judy just to get through his work.
Hard Gun
Panna and Tony play members of a desperate gang of thieves who are forced into hiding after a robbery goes wrong; when the police launch a raid on their hide-out, the pair are forced to make a bid for freedom, and in the ensuing battle, Panna's 'brother' is shot and killed. Narrowly escaping the clutches of the law themselves, the duo plan to take revenge on Pitak, the cop who fired the fatal bullet.