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Search results for Maleficent: Mistress of Evil

Ouija: Origin of Evil
In 1965 Los Angeles, a widowed mother and her two daughters add a new stunt to bolster their séance scam business and unwittingly invite authentic evil into their home. When the youngest daughter is overtaken by the merciless spirit, this small family confronts unthinkable fears to save her and send her possessor back to the other side.
Apparition of Evil
Chilling paranormal portmanteau following a researcher who stumbles across a collection of disturbing video evidence she has obtained from a mysterious source including a location recce made by two young filmmakers, Cain and Dion, who venture to the Australian outback in search of an interesting location for their next movie only to discover an ancient swamp spirit called Raluul, and a video diary of a man called Karl Hendry who starts hearing unusual noises once he finds a mysterious doll-house in the attic of his new house in the North of England.
Lesson of the Evil
Seiji Hasumi is a popular English teacher in a private high school. He is also a violent and sociopathic killer, who slowly takes control of the students and faculty through murder and manipulation. When he is caught in the act during preparations for the school cultural festival, he sees staging a massacre as the only way out.
Anatomy of Evil
The criminal psychologist Richard Brock teaches at the University of Vienna. He used to work as a psychologist until his wife took her own life and he lost his license on suspicion of incorrect treatment. In the meantime he has developed a reputation as a particularly good interrogation specialist and is therefore called in by the police in special cases.
Priest of Evil
Detective sergeant Timo Harjunpää of the Helsinki Violent Crime Unit loses his daughter in a tragic way. Despite the support of his closest colleague, Constable Onerva Nykänen, Harjunpää is unable to recover from the loss of his family. He seeks revenge against his daughter's killer, while in his work he investigates strange deaths in the Helsinki metro that turn out to be the work of a serial killer.
Death of Evil
David Thunder (Damian Chapa) is a young Native American man whose dreams have been haunted by evil since childhood, and when Julietta Asher (Natasha Blasick) enters his life, it seems as though that evil is about to manifest in the everyday world. Now, David must use the lessons passed down by his grandmother to combat the darkness and save not only his own life, but possibly that of Julietta -- and their unborn child.
Embodiment of Evil
Released from the Mental Health Wing of São Paulo State Penitentiary after forty years, the sadistic undertaker Zé do Caixão is back on the streets, haunted by ghostly visions and spirits of past victims but still set upon the goal that sent him to prison in the first place: finding a woman who can give him the perfect child.
The Flower of Evil
Three generations of a wealthy Bordeaux family are caught in the crossfire when Anne decides to run for mayor, thanks to a political pamphlet that revives an old murder scandal.
Sherlock: Case of Evil
Early in his crime-solving career, Sherlock Holmes attempts to prevent Moriarty from cornering the heroin market.
Evil of Dracula
A professor takes up a new post at an all-girls school only to discover the principal concealing a dark secret.