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The Danger of Love: The Carolyn Warmus Story
Michael Carlin, a teacher, has been having an affair with a much younger fellow teacher Carolyn Warmus. When his wife is murdered, the police suspect him due to inconsistencies in his alibi, and no evidence points to anyone else.
Changing Our Minds: The Story of Dr. Evelyn Hooker
The life and work of the woman described as "The Rosa Parks of Gay Rights". During the repressive 1950's, Dr. Evelyn Hooker undertook ground breaking research that led to a radical discovery: homosexuals were not, by definition, "sick." Dr. Hooker's finding sent shock waves through the psychiatric community and culminated in a major victory for gay rights: in 1974 the weight of her studies, along with gay activism, forced the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from its official manual of mental disorders. Startling archival footage of the medical procedure used to "cure" homosexuality, images from the underground gay world of the McCarthy era, and home movies of literary icon Christopher Isherwood bring to life history which we must never forget.
Ned Blessing: The True Story Of My Life
A haggard cowboy reflects upon his life while awaiting his death.
The Very Strange Story of the Legendary Joe Meek
Documentary about the influential pop composer and record producer Joe Meek, who died in dramatic circumstances in 1967 after a bizarre childhood and a career, often controversial, which spanned the period from the mid-50s to the rise of the Beatles in the 60s. At the end of his life he was suffering from paranoid delusions that people were watching him through walls. Alan Lewens' film charts an Ortonesque tale of post-war Britain.
Histoire(s) du Cinéma 1b: A Single (Hi)story
A very personal look at the history of cinema directed, written and edited by Jean-Luc Godard in his Swiss residence in Rolle for ten years (1988-98); a monumental collage, constructed from film fragments, texts and quotations, photos and paintings, music and sound, and diverse readings; a critical, beautiful and melancholic vision of cinematographic art.
Story of a Day: The Vel d’Hiv Roundup
On July 16, 1942, Paris police detained thirteen thousand Jews across the city and held them at the Vélodrome d’Hiver stadium for later deportation to concentration camps. This event, known as the Vél d’Hiv Roundup, became a symbol of Vichy France’s willingness to collaborate with the Nazis. This 1986 documentary tells the story of the roundup and French anti-Semitism of the period through archival footage and interviews with survivors and Resistance members.
Going for the Gold: The Bill Johnson Story
The true story of Bill Johnson, the first US men's skiing gold medal winner, whose Olympics dreams were threatened by his rebellious attitude.
Frankenstein (I Swear on My Mother's Eyes) The True Story
A shot-on-video straight-to-television comedy adaptation of the Frankenstein story. Co-written by, and starring Gary Cohen (director of Video Violence).
A Love Affair: The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story
Legendary ballplayer and humanitarian Lou Gehrig and his relationship with his stalwart wife, Eleanor, are portrayed in this film that focuses on the Hall of Famer's life off the baseball field. Featuring unflinching looks at the Gehrigs' relationship, as well as Lou's feud with Babe Ruth. This film is for anyone interested in baseball. [imdb]