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François Truffaut: The Man Who Loved Cinema - Love & Death
A fascinating glimpse into Truffaut’s creative process and how his life informed his art, told from the perspectives of those who knew him best.
Molester Diary: A Man Who Kept Stroking Ass 3
This is a criminal act. But I can't stop crying !! Chapter 3 Continue ... I want it. The art teacher's finger is a magical ubi! Elevator girl, days of lust for school girls to seek "indecent" ?! Kyoko, an elevator girl who was surprised when she was molested on a commuter train. The molester man who is crazy about Kyoko's ass is Ishikawa, a high school art teacher. By touching Kyoko, Ishikawa, who leads a mediocre life, begins to regain his forgotten passion for sculpture. On the other hand, Kyoko forgives her body to Yano, an old man who wants to return Yori, but she finds herself that she can only feel it with Ishikawa's hands like playing with clay. Meanwhile, Ishikawa asks Kyoko to become a model for her sculpture, as if inspired by her student Kayo, who favors her and continues her provocation. Kyoko heads to the art room at midnight, Kayo chasing after her, while being puzzled by that pleasure ... The third must-see in the "Ass Stroke" series!
Molester Diary: A Man Who Kept Stroking Ass 2
The familiar Chikan group members who bite into the buttocks of women in the crowd of crowded trains and are absorbed in lewd acts without discipline today. Leader Kawasaki and Gum man, and a manga artist I. For some reason, I took on the role of a bodyguard to protect Kawasaki's daughter from molesting, but what was the father of the molesting young man who was also a molester !? The ties between the parents of the molester are intertwined, and the two are exactly Romeo and Juliet. From an idol to an actress ── Misa Aika fascinates her with her body-hugging performance against Kazuya Takahashi and Yoshiyuki Ohmori. The director is Tadafumi Tomioka, who received high praise for his sensual visual beauty and detailed production in his younger brother's work. A masterpiece that goes beyond the common sense of molester movies! The second installment of the popular metamorphosis pure love movie "Ass Stroke" series, which was praised by the media and film critics!
Molester Diary: A Man Who Kept Stroking Ass
A manga artist stumbles into the sleazy world of perverts who stalk trains looking for women to molest. He discovers quickly that he is very much one of them and even finds love along the way. The first in the alarmingly long-running Molester Diary series.
A.D. Police File 3: The Man Who Bites His Tongue
Billy was an ordinary AD cop, but he was massively and mortally wounded in the line of duty. In an experimental project, he is made a total conversion cyborg, a cyborg with more than 90% of his body artificial. The only thing that reminds him of his humanity is his brain and his tongue, which he periodically bites to remind himself of his humanity. Unfortunately, apart from that, he suffers from total sensory deprivation which slowly begins to affect his mind. His efforts to feel something, anything, lead to tragedy. Written by Kenneth Chisholm
Babe Ruth: The Man, the Myth, the Legend
Mel Allen hosts this look at Babe Ruth's life and career, focusing primarily on Ruth's years with the New York Yankees.
In the Line of Duty 5: Middle Man
When he is framed for being a spy because of his friend's illegal activities, David must escape from police, CIA, and assassins with the help of his cousin.
He-Man and She-Ra: A Christmas Special
In this special Christmas episode of the He-Man and She-Ra cartoons, their sidekick Orko accidentally gets beamed to Earth during a test of a new spy satellite. Orko manages to get back Planet Eternia, but brings along two Earth children, Alisha and Manuel, with him. Since it's Christmastime on Earth, the kids are naturally filled with the holiday spirit, but this overflowing goodwill attracts the unwelcome attention of the Horde Prime and Skeletor. Will the combined power of He-Man, She-Ra and the spirit of Christmas be enough to stop them?
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
When Adam, Prince of the planet Eternia, raises his magic sword he transforms into He-Man (the most powerful man in the universe). With his allies and friends, he battles the evil Skeletor and his minions to protect the secrets of Castle Greyskull.