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World of Tomorrow Episode Three: The Absent Destinations of David Prime
A hidden memory sends David across the far reaches of time and space to solve a deadly mystery involving his time-traveling future selves.
A World War II Fairytale: The Making of Michael Mann's 'The Keep'
Exploring Michael Mann's 1983 film adapted from the F. Paul Wilson novel and its impact.
The Show Must Go On II: The End of the World
Billions of dollars are at stake as film returns. But greedy suits face a dilemma after releasing all of the film specialists. As their digital world comes crashing down, they must call the best in the world to save them one more time.
All the Colours of the World Are Between Black and White
Bambino and Bawa meet in Lagos and hit it off immediately. During their long trips around the city they develop a deep affection for each other. But in a society which considers homosexuality taboo, they feel the pressure of social norms.
On the Morning You Wake (to the End of the World)
On the Morning You Wake uses innovative documentary storytelling and virtual production techniques to viscerally recreate the lived experiences of people who, for 38 minutes, had to react and make impossible decisions in the face of nuclear violence.
Can't Get You Out of My Head
In six films, Adam Curtis traces the different forces across the world that have led to now. It covers a wide range—including the strange roots of modern conspiracy theories, the history of China, opium and opioids, the history of Artificial Intelligence, melancholy over the loss of empire and, love and power. And explores whether modern culture, despite its radicalism, is really just part of the new system of power.
Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK: Why is this entire world as unreal as a dream?
In a Zoom meeting with the Ramana Maharshi Foundation UK on 26th August 2023, Michael answers various questions about Bhagavan’s teachings. The first question Michael answered was: "My question is related to the apparent reality of the world, as experienced in our waking state; Bhagavan's teachings say that our so-called reality in fact is a dream, projected by ourselves.
HumaniTree: A Story of us Humans, from the roots to the fruits around the world
One planet, one human race and so many problems. The HUMANiTREE is a 90 minute documentary that is the most up to date film on humanities collective story on earth. It explains the evidence of human origins in Africa, and how black people spread across the globe seeding civilizations before we became so many different ethnicity's. Today the earth is at a tipping point from human activity, learn the story of how cultures evolved, survived, thrived, clashed, mixed, learned and innovated so we may build a better world for tomorrow. 8 young people from south Wales worked alongside a professional film crew to embark on an incredible journey of research and investigation.
Ningen Fushin: Adventurers Who Don't Believe in Humanity Will Save the World
Nick used to be a member of a veteran adventurer party, helping his undisciplined friends with the accounts whenever he could. But what was his reward? Getting accused of embezzlement and kicked out by the leader he respected. Before long, he finds a few other jaded adventurers and kindred spirits, and together, they form their own unstoppable party!