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Search results for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Two .38 Magnums for a City of Carrion
Franco decides to kill his girlfriend’s pimp, and from there things go bad and he gets beaten up by the henchmen of Gordon Mitchell, who also kidnaps and murders his girlfriend. So Franco buys two Magnum .38’s from a guy called “The Gypsy” and . . . it’s time for revenge.
The Horror Hall of Fame: A Monster Salute
In this made-for-TV production, Vincent Price and his hunchback sidekick (Billy Van) host a pun-filled salute to the horror film genre from its earliest beginnings all the way up to The Exorcist. Featuring clips from classic horror films and interviews with genre greats like Frank Gorshin, John Carradine, John Astin and SFX legend Bill Tuttle, among others.
You Can Do a Lot with 7 Women
Richard Harrison is Mike Spencer, a cop whose girlfriend is killed by drug dealers after she stumbles onto their operation during a fashion show. He goes undercover as a photographer to catch the people responsible.
Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came?
War is brewing between the soldiers at an otherwise quiet army base and the civilians of a nearby Southern town. Brian Keith is an officer who tries to keep the peace. However, peace is hard to come by with Ernest Borgnine as a stereotypical dumb hick sheriff who's quick to call in the local militia. Tony Curtis plays a skirt-chasing sergeant who can't stay out of trouble and soon lands in jail. Brian Keith borrows a tank to release his friend from jail. Things get more chaotic after that.
Have a Good Funeral, My Friend… Sartana Will Pay
After witnessing a brutal massacre, the legendary hero Sartana is ready to do some investigating. Almost everyone in the tiny town of Indian Creek seems eager to buy up the property left behind by the murder victims, and one of them could well be behind the killings. The sheriff himself is not above suspicion, so Sartana must uncover the culprit all on his own.
The Seisure Soul Sword of a Blind Girl
Cheung Ching Ching is superb, as usual, playing a blind girl who learns martial arts from an old master and who takes revenge on the Red Devil who murdered her entire family. Brilliant sword film as you'd expect from master auteur Joseph Kuo. —Wu Tang Collection
Brutal Tales of Chivalry 7: Hell Is a Man's Destiny
Young yakuza Shujiro Hanada goes to prison after losing his cool in a rigged gambling game and slashing a few other players. When he's released in 1927, the world has changed. His sister died in the Great Kanto Earthquake and his father is also gone. His brother Jukichi invites him to stay at his in-laws and works in their family pub. He lies low, helping his blind mother-in-law and slowly developing a relationship with Ikuye, the hostess who helped him before his arrest. But trouble lurks when the resident gang decides to show its strength.