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Search results for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

The Long Life of the Kos's, a Married Couple
While expecting the imminent end of their lives, an old couple leaves their large and beautiful home to a young married couple – their doctors, who live in a single room apartment with their two children. As the olds are getting stronger by the day, one of the four decides to “take care” of that.
The World You Don't Know: A Mysterious Love Story
A Voice at Midnight, Doll Room, Brother and Sister, Devotion
The Story of Elvis Presley: A Documented Legend
A rare look at the phenomenal career of Elvis Presley. How he got started in show business, rare footage of his early television appearances, his meteoric rise to fame, as well as Elvis' remarkable accomplishments in the movies.
A Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story
Tracy Thurman was married to a man who abused her. But he continues to harass her after she gets a restraining order, and the police do little to help. When he brutally beats her and slashes her throat in front of police, she sues the city and the police department for failing to protect her.
Drawing the Line: A Portrait of Keith Haring
Short documentary about artist Keith Haring, detailing his involvement in the New York City graffiti subculture, his opening of the Pop Shop, and the social commentary present in his paintings and drawings.
Marshal Blucher: A Portrait Against the Background of an Epoch
The story of Marshal Vasily Konstantinovich, a dedicated Red Army commander who was killed in Stalin's "purges." The film attempts to study the fate of the country through his biography, and unlock the riddle of the show trials of the thirties.
Project A-Ko 2: Plot of the Daitokuji Financial Group
Three weeks have gone by since the alien spaceship crash landed on the Graviton City spire, and since then the aliens have been hard at work converting their ship to a pleasure district, hoping to make friends with the humans!… Not. Perpetually late and continually over-eating A-ko, spacy and cheerful C-ko, and brilliant and bold B-ko are about to enter summer break from school, and it just so happens the alien ship is open for business. When a free meal turns into a sob story about how the aliens just want to go home, will it be A-ko or B-ko who can get the ship into orbit again?
Blood Vows: The Story of a Mafia Wife
A fashion designer marries a lawyer only to discover that his father is an imfamous mafia don.
Magical Girl Club Quartet: Alien X from A Zone
Yuu, Persia, Mai and Yumi are together in a science fiction-like adventure. An awful monster assault young and beautiful girls, leaving them transformed into ugly hags: only our four magical girls with their powers can fly to the space and fight for Earth 's sake, so Yuu transforms into Creamy Mami, Mai into Magical Emi, Persia into Fairy and little Yumi draws space suits for all of them.