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Search results for A Star Is Born

A Tree Grows in My Dreams Every Night
An evocative journey to a small Slovenian village turns into an enchanting immersion into the collective memory and the backbone of a certain place through stories from the present and the past that converge, intermingle, coexist outside of time, in the plane of the unseen, in the sphere of sentiments. With photographs, taken by photographer Stojan Kerbler decades ago, of the village and its residents serving as a guide, the film crafts the portrait of a place through narrations, images, poetry and pure cinematic beauty. It may not be easy to describe how "a tree grows in dreams" in just a handful of words, but you can be sure that seeing it is nothing less than an experience beyond a mere viewing, something you experience like a dream or a caress, like a song that glides from your ears straight to your heart.
Messi: The Cannes Film Festival from a Dog's Eye View
Experience the Cannes Film Festival from dawn until late night through the eyes and the voice of Messi.
Ben and Suzanne, A Reunion in 4 Parts
Ben Santhanaraj journeys to Sri Lanka to rekindle his relationship with Suzanne Hopper, an American NGO worker, after a long separation. But when Suzanne's boss demands she work during their vacation, their love is tested by a dilemma: desire versus duty. As Suzanne struggles with the responsibilities of her job, Ben tries everything to revive their intimacy, leading to candid conversations and chaotic twists as New Year’s Eve - and Ben’s departure - looms ahead.
Umamusume: Pretty Derby – Beginning of a New Era
Jungle Pocket, a.k.a. Pokke, is a Umamusume girl who has been running free in freestyle races, aiming to be the strongest. On a whim, Pokke watches a race in the Twinkle Series. She is shocked by Fuji Kiseki's performance in the race, and decides to challenge for the Twinkle Series herself. Pokke enters "Toresen Academy," where Umamusume girls gather, and under the guidance of trainer Tanabe, who raised Fuji Kiseki, she takes on the "Classic Triple Crown Race," a race she is allowed to attempt only once in her lifetime. What awaited him there were rivals of the same generation who were even more talented than Pokke. Dedicated to her work, Dantsu Flame continues to work hard and honestly. Manhattan Cafe, running after a "friend" that only she can see. And Agnes Tachyon, a mad scientist who seeks beyond the possibilities of Umamusume. These Umamusume girls put their pride, their will, and their souls on the line. The hot and fierce battle opens the door to a new era.
Rory Scovel: Religion, Sex and a Few Things In Between
Rory Scovel takes the stage at Minneapolis’ Goodale Theater to offer his observations on such disparate subjects as religion, sex, mushrooms, vaccines, parenting an eight-year-old, and much more in this standup special. The South Carolina native interweaves improvised moments with meta-commentary on the subtle art of stand-up as he riffs on some of the most awkward aspects of seemingly taboo yet universal topics – all with a dose of his amiable southern charm.
Rascal Does Not Dream of a Knapsack Kid
Finally, the day of Mai's high school graduation has arrived. While Sakuta eagerly waits for his girlfriend, an elementary schooler who looks exactly like her appears before him. Suspicious, and for all the wrong reasons... Meanwhile, Sakuta and Kaede's father suddenly calls, saying that their mother wants to see her daughter. She was hospitalized because Kaede's condition had been too much for her to bear, so what could she possibly want now?
Bulletproof: A Lesbian's Guide to Surviving the Plot
Filmmaker Regan Latimer takes an insightful, immersive, and deeply personal look at Queer representation in television, and the power of the media to shape how we see ourselves. Witty, fast-paced, and laced with pop culture references, Regan journeys across North America and beyond in her quest to understand the forces that influence the stories we see on our screens. Original animation and personal anecdotes are interwoven with wide-ranging conversations with television insiders, LGBTQ+ community advocates, and people who just love to watch TV. As Latimer navigates an ever-evolving media landscape, the filmmaker learns firsthand that representation done well has the power to transform.