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Search results for The Black Phone

Don't Answer the Phone!
A Vietnam veteran that spends his days photographing pretty girls, and his nights strangling them, sets sights on the patients of a radio psychiatrist.
Gifts over the Phone
After the train conductor Pētersons receives money transfer from an unknown source, he suspects foul play involving the cargo he's transporting. He decides to do his own investigation into the matter, not realizing that he's putting himself and those around him in danger.
Phone Home
While grieving the unexpected loss of his girlfriend, a man receives a chilling call. It's her.
Phone Booth
A slick New York publicist who picks up a ringing receiver in a phone booth is told that if he hangs up, he'll be killed... and the little red light from a laser rifle sight is proof that the caller isn't kidding.
The Phone Call
A married man calls the wrong number for phone-sex and winds up being stalked by a psychotic man.
Baby Phone
During a dinner, the revelations made through the baby-phone of a child's room will create a real cataclysm within a family and a group of friends ...
Camera Phone
Footage caught on camera phones shows disturbing scenes of horror when 8 go missing.
Phone Swap
Akin and Mary meet for the first time at an airport where they accidentally bump into each other and mistakenly swap their identical phones . This leads to a destination mix up after they receive one another's text regarding a travel destination. Consequently, Akin ends up traveling to where Mary is supposed to go and vice versa. Neither knows about the swap until they have reached their opposite destinations and "the phone" stops ringing (In Mary's case) and "Won't stop ringing" (In Akins's case) . As a result of the phone swap, they agree to help carry out each other's missions, armed with the information and data on each other's phone. But it's not as easy as they both think as new obstacles and complications rise at every turn as they both struggle to adapt to their alien environment and situation. Mary has to walk in Akins shoes and represent him in a company meeting while Akin has to represent Mary in her the family meeting. This they do with hilarious results
Cell Phone
Follows the story of a television host who's hidden so much personal and secret information on his phone, that when it gets out, catastrophe strikes.
Phone Stalker
A woman who endured horrific threats and was stalked by a shrouded tech genius tells the twisted story of how it became a living nightmare that ruined her relationships and had her seeing danger around every corner.