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Search results for Stranger Thing

The Stranger
A coming-of-age story that navigates the journey of a family in which the young son grapples with questions about his gender identity.
Goodbye Stranger
A day in the life of Paul who has everything going for him. He has a dream job, a wonderful house and a girlfriend. But when, to his horror, he sees his dream foreign promotion at the world's biggest music streamer in jeopardy, his carefree summer day turns into a day he has to consider his choices. An unexpected encounter with his ex-boyfriend upsets Paul’s reality further. Has he given up his old life and ideals too soon?
The Stranger
A drama that tells the story of COVID-19 confirmed patients in 2020 who enter a residential treatment center, communicating through windows and comforting each other during unfamiliar and fearful quarantine times.
My Stranger
Popular gagman Yoon Se-yoon suddenly started to show strange behaviors, such as repeating weird movements or spitting unknown words one day when he was 14…
Stranger Fruit
What happened on August 9th, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri? On that hot summer day, Officer Darren Wilson killed 18-year-old Michael Brown. Stranger Fruit is the unraveling of what took place that day, told through the eyes of Mike Brown’s family.
My Stranger
This story happened in the city of Almaty. Alisher, a young successful guy, one day meets a beautiful ambitious translator Eileen. They still do not understand that fate brought them together for a reason, and that there is one big secret behind their meeting. Young people fall in love with each other, but family secrets can change their lives forever.
A Stranger
When Slavko's old friend Djulaga dies, Slavko feels obliged to go to the funeral. But in his hometown of Mostar, in Bosnia & Herzegovina, this simple social obligation has the potential to get him into all kinds of trouble: with his neighbors or even with local political bigwigs. Yet if he does not go, his wife will think he's a coward, the grieving family will never forgive him - and he might have trouble forgiving himself. This is a compelling tale of everyday life in a fractured society, and a world where paranoia, comedy and drama co-exist. It is also an astute psychological portrait of a man who is forced to cross the invisible line that divides two communities. Above all, it is the story of a man who lost everything that defined him, when his country disintegrated.
Perfect Stranger
A journalist goes undercover to ferret out businessman Harrison Hill as her best friend's killer. Posing as one of his temps, she enters into a game of online cat-and-mouse.
Beautiful stranger
Strangers on a train. Late in 1916, a brave and idealistic Russian officer in his 20s comes to his superiors' attention when he stands up to Rasputin at a nightclub. He's asked to carry important papers from Petersburg to Stockholm by train in the dead of winter, a dangerous mission. The first-class carriage may be full of spies, and soon after the train embarks, the man in the next compartment searches Obozow's luggage. A beautiful stranger approaches him, a woman older than he, on a concert tour; a game of cat and mouse ensues with patriotism and emotion sometimes on opposite sides. Can Obozow consummate the affair, reach Stockholm, and maintain his ideals?