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The King, the Rooks and the Bishops
Dramatization of a chess game, where the characters were dressed like the various pieces and moved on a chessboard floor.
Nirvanna the Band the Show the Movie
Upcoming feature film based on the acclaimed Canadian series of the same name. The plot will centre around a road trip across the US, and is a loose adaptation of the book ‘A Confederacy of Dunces’ by John Kennedy Toole. In their quest to secure a slot at the Rivoli, Matt and Jay decide to take their band on a road trip across America. The film showcases their hilariously misguided and often absurd attempts to make their dream a reality. As they journey across the United States, they encounter a variety of quirky characters and surreal situations, all while remaining steadfast in their pursuit of playing at the Rivoli. The movie blends humor, satire, and absurdity to deliver a unique and entertaining look at the lengths to which people will go to achieve their dreams, even if those dreams are wrapped in the chaos and hilarity of a road trip adventure across America.
Ted is tasked with writing an important essay within a week. However, his habit of procrastination gets in the way and his discipline is tested as time quickly catches up.
The Darker The Shadow, The Brighter The Light
A tripped-out noir murder mystery based in London’s clubland.
The Faithful: The King, The Pope, The Princess
A lollipop officially licensed by the Vatican sparks filmmaker Annie Berman's 20-year exploration of fandom, memorabilia, and legacy within the orbits of three cultural icons: Pope John Paul II, Elvis Presley, and Diana, Princess of Wales.
The Grocer's Son, the Mayor, the Village and the World
Claire Simon goes to Lussas, in France’s Ardèche, home to a vibrant community of documentarians. She films the creation of Tënk, an online platform for auteur documentaries. The initiative is a labour of love for the passionate and optimistic people behind it, but the process is long and arduous, as cultural projects often are. The filmmaker followed them for months, capturing their doubts and dilemmas: how do you manage everyday conflicts? Be accepted by a rural population that you aren’t part of? By the general public? Reconcile private life and professional calling? Reassure the mayor? Secure funding without making ethical compromises? A fascinating, bittersweet and insightful behind-the-scenes film. (Apolline Caron-Ottavi)
The the Naked Lunch and the Naked the Naked Lunch
An intoxicated old experimental novelist tries to explain why he dislikes David Cronenberg's film of William Burroughs' 'The Naked Lunch' so much.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe
Four kids travel to the magical land of Narnia where they must battle an evil queen with the direction of the lion, Aslan.