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Search results for A Madea Family Funeral

A Harum-Scarum Family
The intellectual family Faragó lives a bit busy life, but ensures complete autonomy for its members in a tiny flat in Budapest, while the newly rich Belvizis in the neighbourhood have a luxury apartment and a conventional and purposeful life, sentencing their only daughter for solitude.
A Crazy Family
Mika is a young woman living in a crazy ... family. Her mother, Pasta Flora, is alienated, her little sister is uncontrollable, and her father is a good, but cowardly, man. She's engaged to Mikis but the day before their wedding she goes to Venice and marries Andreas, who, after meeting her family, he undertakes to make sense of them.
A Family Affair
Judge Hardy faces problems at work and at home. Powerful men in town are upset with his decisions and want to see him impeached; his daughters, Joan and Marion, have romantic problems; and his son, Andy discovers Polly Benedict. As usual, Judge Hardy is concerned with everyone in the family and lends wisdom and calmness to all.
Find a Family
Find a Family is a British television programme that aired between 1989 and 1991 across the ITV network. The programme was an appeal to rehome disadvantaged children for adoption or long-term fostering. It usually took the form of a series of short videos shown during advertisement breaks between scheduled program slots. The video would appeal for a foster family to a homeless child seeking a family. During that same week there would be a longer programme which highlighted the results of the phone in campaign for that week. The theme music for the show was written by Allan Clarke and Gary Benson and performed by The Hollies. The track, "Find Me a Family", was released as a single and peaked at No. 79. The show is not to be confused with the identically titled occasional slot in LWT's The Weekend Live. In 2009, Channel 4 aired a documentary series following a similar theme under the title "Find Me a Family".
Performing Kaoru's Funeral
When a screenwriter named KAORU dies suddenly, she leaves behind a tangle of relations who are all pulled together for the final act in her life: performing her funeral. The chief mourner is her ex-husband, Jun. A failed actor, he drifts around Tokyo as a driver for callgirls. He has to clean himself up to lead the ceremony down in the small village in Okayama that KAORU came from. There, he meets a host of eccentric characters, TV people, and KAORU ’s daughter, all of whom have complicated feelings for the recently departed. As can be guessed, the funeral becomes chaotic as people quarrel and fight but the fact that KAORU was loved is not in doubt as nostalgia, bitterness, and affection for the woman come out from each mourner in comic confrontations.
My First Funeral
Being a lesbian in Korea is hard. Marriage, a happy future, or even one’s own death seem far away. So this unique woman makes an unconventional choice – she arranges her first funeral.
Paris Funeral, 1972
Rosario, an Italian transient, drifts throughout Australia seeking employment and connection. Struggling with addiction and a derelict spirit he becomes attached to two young folk musicians, with whom he embarks on an obscure journey across Europe. A search for a deceased mother soon dissolves into a dream of solace that may not exist.
Dim Sum Funeral
An Irish funeral has a wake. A Jewish funeral has sitting shiva. A traditional Chinese funeral is something else entirely. Thats what the estranged siblings of the Chinese-American Xiao family must undergo upon news of their mothers death. The one brother and three sisters dont get along, however they share one thing: hatred for their domineering and manipulative mother, the Dragon Lady."
Funeral Parade of Roses
In late 60s Tokyo, Eddie, a young drag queen, is the favourite of Gonda, the owner of the bar where she works. This relationship provokes the jealousy of Gonda's mistress, Leda, the bar's matron. Eddie and Gonda decide to get rid of her...