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Reef School
Welcome to Reef School, where every day is an underwater adventure! Join the little Reefies and their teacher Mr. Flip as they discover the extraordinary wonders of an imaginary Australian coral reef.
Monster School
Monster School is a "special place" where disruptive children are sent when they no longer fit in with their peers or society. They are labeled Freaks, Nerds or Geeks and are bullied causing them to act out. Monster School is the safe haven parents turn to in order to help their children. When all seems lost, this becomes their last hope. It is a place and a concept that parents can't fully grasp, but go along with, because seeing their children become happy and productive once again, is all they care about. Parents are ecstatic, children are safe, and it is truly paradise...in their eye. When a gruesome event happens, all their lives are tuned up side down. Life will never be the same again.
Detective Mike Jericho is changing. He stops showing up for work and shuts out the people once important to him. Now, he spends all his time hanging out with his new friends, having fun, and learning how to hunt and kill innocent people. Mike is changing; and his new friends aren't quite human. Detective Jimi Cannon is searching. He's hitting the streets, fiercely looking for his best friend, Mike. Now, Jimi must enter a world of shadows and face off - guns blazing - against an enemy that won't die. He'll do everything he can to save Mike, but it will take more than courage for Jimi to survive the NIGHT! Featuring a soundtrack of world-renowned goth/industrial artists, NIGHT violently takes you on a journey into seductive darkness. Written by B Miller
School Package
School Package
School Ties
On top of the varying degrees of bullying, substance abuse, verbal abuse, racism, gangsterism, guns and weapons and vandalism, South Africa's schoolchildren are also experiencing rampant sexual abuse and grooming - largely at the hands of those who are in charge of their care and education at school.
School Spirits
Maddie, a teen stuck in the afterlife investigating her own disappearance, goes on a crime-solving journey as she adjusts to high school purgatory.
School Lunch
Depicts the “bonds” that connect through “food” under the theme of school lunch in Ashiya City. Nonomura Nana is a new nutritionist who works at an elementary school in Ashiya. Struggle every day for the smiles of children who eat delicious lunch. The lunch menu that appears is packed with the ingenuity and love of nutritionists and cooks. While drawing efforts to keep costs down, cooperation with suppliers, and the backside of difficult cooking sites, the importance of school lunches that protect the growth of children is drawn.
Phantom School
Nestled quietly in the heart of a buzzing community, there sits a school that to any who might pass it by, appears to be quite normal. However, as is often the case, looks can be quite deceiving. Inhabited by several malicious phantoms, this school plays host to more than its dedicated faculty and lively student body.
School Rangers
The Rangers are made up of fifteen GMMTV artists whose appearances rotate. Often joined by celebrity guests, they separate into teams to compete in themed games. With nothing more to win than bragging rights, the true motivator is to avoid the surprise punishment that comes with last place. Typically, episodes are hosted at different schools throughout Thailand where students get to show off their skills. However, the onset of the coronavirus pandemic necessitated that the show find new venues that would limit their exposure. It wasn't until 2023 that episodes began to take place in schools once more.
School Hacks
Leo is a brilliant but shy boy who has just moved into his new school. Here, together with friends Nick, J, Spoiler, Mimy, Emily and Siry, the girl he's secretly in love with, he will live new and fun adventures every day. The school of School Hacks is not a school like any other: the Histrionic Headmaster and the strict Miss Elia contribute to making it a decidedly out-of-the-ordinary institution.