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Search results for The Secret Life of Pets 2

I Was a Communist for the FBI
A fact-based story about a man who posed as an American Communist for years as part of a secret plan to infiltrate their organization.
Joe Palooka in the Squared Circle
Joe Palooka encounters gangsters and tries to alert the law.
Abbott and Costello in the Foreign Legion
Jonesy and Lou are in Algeria looking for a wrestler they are promoting. Sergeant Axmann tricks them into joining the Foreign Legion, after which they discover Axmann's collaboration with the nasty Sheik Hamud El Khalid.
The Beautiful Blonde from Bashful Bend
Saloon-bar singer Freddie gets very angry whenever boyfriend Blackie seems to be playing around. She always packs a six-shooter, so this is bad news for anything that happens to be in the way. As this is usually the local judge's rear-end, Freddie and friend Conchita are soon hiding out teaching school in the middle of nowhere.
Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner
Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner are a duo of cartoon characters from the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of animated cartoons, first appearing in 1949 in the theatrical cartoon short Fast and Furry-ous. In each episode, the cunning, devious and constantly hungry coyote repeatedly attempts to catch and subsequently eat the Road Runner, but is often risibly unsuccessful in doing so (and if so, the Road Runner remains not eaten).[8] Instead of his animal instincts, the coyote uses absurdly complex contraptions (à la Rube Goldberg machines) to try to catch his prey, which comically backfire, with the coyote often getting injured in slapstick fashion. Many of the items for these contrivances are mail-ordered from a variety of companies implied to be part of the Acme Corporation.
Kiss the Blood Off My Hands
Bill Saunders, a former prisoner of war living in England, whose experiences have left him unstable and violent, gets into a bar fight in which he in kills a man and then flees. He hides out with the assistance of a nurse, Jane Wharton, who believes his story that the killing was an accident.
Victory on the Right Bank Ukraine
Dovzhenko and Solntseva's documentary about the end of the war.
Tombstone: The Town Too Tough to Die
Uneven version of Wyatt Earp vs. the Clanton Gang with a little romance thrown in haphazardly.
Billy the Kid in Santa Fe
Falsely accused of murder, Billy is able to escape thanks to his pals. Once in Santa Fe, he meets once again the man who lied during the trial.