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Growing Up in the Universe
Growing Up in the Universe was a series of lectures given by Richard Dawkins as part of the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, in which he discussed the evolution of life in the universe. The lectures were first broadcast in 1991, in the form of five one-hour episodes, on the BBC in the United Kingdom. The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science was granted the rights to the televised lectures, and a DVD version was released by the foundation on 20 April 2007.
The Little Engine That Could
Eric, a young boy, is excited about his birthday after reading a book and believes that a train will come for him, despite his sister Jill's disbelief.
Robert Mitchum: The Reluctant Star
A retrospective on the career of Robert Mitchum through interviews with friends and co-workers, scenes from his films and the actor himself.
The Pinwheel That Spins Alone
Nam-do and Nam-shik are two brothers who were raised by their poor grandmother on a mountainside in a remote region of Kangwon Province. Hoping to receive a salary to support his family, Nam-do takes the airforce entrance exam but he fails. He is forced to move to Seoul to earn a living. Nam-shik remains to care for their ailing grandmother and decides to make a go at improving their small farm
Zombie and the Ghost Train
Antti "Zombie" Autiomaa does two things well: play the bass guitar and drink. After several months' sleeping on the streets of Istanbul, he returns to Helsinki where he's called into the army but discharged on mental health grounds after adding turpentine to the officers' soup. Zombie lives bleary-eyed in an apartment off his parents' house where his lonely, unemployed father suffers from heart disease. His girl-friend Marjo has taken up with a hairdresser but comes back to Zombie. His friend Harri hires him as a roadie for his band "Harry and the Mulefukkers" then gives him a chance as a bass player. He has his girl and he has a gig, but can Zombie put the bottle down?
Britannica's Beauty and the Beast
Britannica's Fairy Tales from Around the World presents "Beauty and the Beast & Other Animated Tales." A bevy of beasts all come together in this dazzling assortment of fairy tale classics. Produced by Encyclopedia Beirtannica, this collection of colorful cartoons tell the stories of fretful maidens, cursed princes, and helpful animals both big and small. Includes 4 Animated Tales- 1) Beauty and the Beast, 2) Sedna, 3) The Chinese Parrot, 4) The Scarecrow
Lupin the Third: Napoleon's Dictionary
The secret of the Lupin family treasure is out: its location is written inside a dictionary once owned by Napoleon Bonaparte himself! When the dictionary turns up as the prize for a historic motor car race, the notorious Lupin the Third and his criminal cadre race the world's superpowers to win - or steal - the Dictionary and unearth his grandfather's legacy of riches!
Gawain and the Green Knight
One Christmas, a knight garbed all in green appears in King Arthur's Court and challenges any knight to hew off his head on the proviso that he be allowed to return the axe stroke afterwards. All of King Arthur's other knights being frightened, Sir Gawain takes up the challenge and hacks off the green knight's head. The green knight then gives Gawain a year to find his home and live a little before the cut is returned.
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
During a walk in the woods, Goldilocks comes to a house where they live three bears, which spend a wonderful day and fun. Days later discovers to her horror that the three bears have been chained and forced to work in a circus. Goldilocks, with the help of Bongo and other animals in the circus, it helps the bears to return home.