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Search results for Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

The Last House on Dead End Street
After being released from prison, a young gangster with a chip on his shoulder decides to punish society by making snuff films.
Jethro Tull: Live At The London Hippodrome
Features the following tracks: Skating away on the thin ice of a new day, Jack in the green, Thick as a brick, Songs from the wood, Velvet green, Hunting girl, Aqualung, Guitar solo, Wind up, Locomotive breath
Rolling Stone Magazine: The 10th Anniversary
Train wreck, some might call it a TV special, proving that not everything was better in the good old days. That includes Rolling Stone Magazine.
The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover
The files that escaped the shredder have become an incredible motion picture. From the Kennedys to Martin Luther King. From cab drivers to Congressmen. From housewives to hostesses. He had something on 58 million people. It was all in his files. Now you can see how he used it.
Secret, for All the World Only
Based on the book of Viktor Dragunsky "Deniskin's Stories". Once upon a time there lived in Moscow the 1950's an October school student Deniska Korablyov. Every day he was terribly busy with the most ordinary children's activities: he did not prepare lessons, quarreled and put up with classmates, helped around the house and dabbled. He also planned a real murder, crossed paths with the criminal Fantômas, exposed the adult liars and thieves, participated in the selfless rescue of man...
The General and His Empire of Joy
Zenjiro (Masaru Shiga) is a lowlife criminal, roaming the country with his merry band of crooks, gamblers and rapists. When he gets done with his latest escapade of banging a samurai's wife, he finds that his love Okoyo (Eiko Matsuda), has managed to be recruited as one of Shogun Tokugawa Ietsuna's (Kantaro Suga) concubines. While attempting to win her back, Zenjiro becomes involved in increasingly murderous palace intrigues.
Kit Carson and the Mountain Men
The legendary frontiersman and hero of boyhood paperbacks joins forces with Captain John Fremont as chief scout on a secret expedition to Mexico. The disobedient Randy tries to rejoin his friends but only succeeds in putting them all in jeopardy.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
After an encounter with UFOs, an electricity linesman feels undeniably drawn to an isolated area in the wilderness where something spectacular is about to happen.
The Old Country Where Rimbaud Died
A middle-aged man travels to France and is discouraged by the attitudes of the people concerning his native land until he meets and begins relationships with two lonely women.
Where Do You Hide the Sun?
A mixed cast of Egyptians, Libyans and Moroccans address the issue of corruption among young people, many of whom seem to be suffering greatly from the lingering effects of war.