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Bibleman: Jesus Our Savior

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Bibleman: Jesus Our Savior (2002)

October. 22,2002
| Adventure Comedy

In this combined feature of Jesus, Our Savior Parts 1 and 2, we are introduced to the most sinister, most evil villain, Primordious Drool. Drool knows he cannot win against Bibleman on is own and has a plan to fight our favorite superhero. He intends to make Bibleman fight against himself. Drool drives the citizens of Andersonville to trust in Bibleman instead of God. Bibleman faces is toughest challenge ever as he has to explain to the townspeople that they cannot look to him as a superhero to save them. They must look to God, for only God can answer their prayers.

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Bibleman: Jesus Our Savior

2002  / 1 hr 0 min

In this combined feature of Jesus, Our Savior Parts 1 and 2, we are introduced to the most sinister, most evil villain, Primordious Drool. Drool knows he cannot win against Bibleman on is own and has a plan to fight our favorite superhero. He intends to make Bibleman fight against himself. Drool drives the citizens of Andersonville to trust in Bibleman instead of God. Bibleman faces is toughest challenge ever as he has to explain to the townspeople that they cannot look to him as a superhero to save them. They must look to God, for only God can answer their prayers.


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Brandy Little
Willie Aames, Maylo McCaslin
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