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THE RAMPAGE from EXILE TRIBE will release new single "THE POWER" on 9/7(Wed.)! We will deliver an interview about the song, the music video, and the movie "HiGH&LOW THE WORST X" in which some of the members appear and in which the song is the theme song, so you can enjoy both the single and the movie more. But Speciale doesn't stop there! In addition, in keeping with the title "THE POWER," we will be holding an interview titled "~Who is the true 'THE POWER' No. 1? ~and the contestants had to compete in a hand-pushing sumo match! From heated competitions to unusual scenes, there will be plenty of action! Who will win the first place? And the lowest ranked member will be punished as usual!
THE RAMPAGE SPECIAL ~グルグル回るよ運のツキ!2023年運勢ランキングNo.1は誰だ?!~
THE RAMPAGE will release their fifth album "ROUND & ROUND" on February 22. To celebrate the release of this album, Space Shower TV will broadcast a special program "THE RAMPAGE SPECIAL ~Who has the No.1 fortune ranking for 2023? ~Who will be the No. 1 in the fortune ranking in 2023?