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Search results for A Quiet Place

English Royalty: A Guide for the Rest of Us
They are the most famous royal family on the planet. They have massive influence, wealth and power and they once sat at the head of the world's largest Empire - they are the English Royal Family. But what do they do? Where and how did they get their power? Why do they still sit on the throne of a modern 21st century democracy?
A Venue For The End Of The World
Haunted by uncanny similarities between Nazi stage techniques and the showmanship employed by modern entertainers, a filmmaker investigates the dangers of audience manipulation and leader worship.
Once Upon a Time in the Old Bridge
Set at the time of the Northern Song Dynasty, Chaoyang City was divided into two by the Ho River.
Once Upon a Crime: The Borrelli – Davis Conspiracy
An inspiring story of friendship that explores the truly unbelievable lives of two former New York detectives who were falsely imprisoned for committing murder on behalf of the mafia, even though law enforcement knew who the real gunman was.
Sons of God: For Such a Time As This
Sons of God is not just a film. It's a unique insight into a world where faith and love are no longer unattainable concepts - but actualized reality. Inexplicable miracles. Lives radically transformed. Sons and daughters living lives abandoned to their God.
The Final Shot: A Farewell to Boardwalk Empire
A behind the scenes look at the series as a whole, interviews with cast, crew and creators on the whole journey.
The Rise and Fall of a Scientific Genius
By all accounts, those that knew Royal Raymond Rife considered him to be a scientific genius. He is reported to have invented super-microscopes which allowed him to see live microbes as small as a virus. Using direct observation he was able to determine the presence of a microorganism in cancerous tumors. This discovery led to the development of a cure for cancer and most infectious diseases with a device that could destroy any viral or bacterial microorganism with electrical pulses tuned to a specific frequency. This is where Royal Rife's story takes a tragic turn. A drugless cure for such devastating diseases was an anathema for the monopolistic nature of the medical establishment in America during that time. The FDA considered experiments with his frequency device to be a crime and in 1946 Rife was forced to close his lab. Over 70 years later, people are attempting to recreate Rife's lost discoveries and piece together the technology that promised miraculous cures.
Let's Assume for a Moment That God Exists
Director Ram Loevy follows the residents of his neighbourhood Ramat Gan.