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Kamikaze Cop, The Poison Gas Affair
Exciting fights between the police and a crime syndicate over the secret of poison gas.
Praise Marx and Pass the Ammunition
A Marxist-Leninist expelled from the British Communist Party joins the Revolutionary Party of the Third World, sleeps around, and attempts to rethink his place within the revolution after the events of the 1968 May uprising in Paris.
Zatoichi Goes to the Fire Festival
Zatoichi is mentored by the blind leader of a secret organization as he contends with both the Yakuza and a jealous husband.
Light the Fuse… Sartana Is Coming
Wily roving gunslinger Sartana arrives in a small town and tries to find a hidden fortune of half a million dollars in gold and two million dollars in counterfeit money. Naturally, a bunch of other treacherous folks who include conniving widow Senora Manassas, shrewd fellow gunslinger Grand Full, and the vicious and unhinged General Monk are also looking to get their greedy hands on said fortune.
The Tribe That Hides from Man
Indianist Orlando Villas Boas goes deep into the jungle to try and make contact with the elusive Kreen-Akrore tribe, who have slaughtered everybody they have come in contact with, down to children, since soon buildings and roads will be coming in.
Joe Caligula: Tallow for the Old Men
A young crook called Joë Caligula and his crew make war on a Parisian gang.
We Won't Go to the Woods Anymore
In the spring of 1944, in the Woëvre forest of Lorraine, a group of young maquisards takes in four German deserters. led by Saint-Brice is based in the Woevre forest. Lise, a nineteen-year-old girl, is their liaison officer. One evening, four German soldiers turn up as deserters. After a period of doubt, the maquisards agree to integrate them into their group. Lise falls in love with one of the newcomers, Werner, and becomes his mistress. One day, she leaves on a mission with Lucien, and comes across an enemy patrol. The SS shoot Lucien and free Lise. In the camp, people begin to think that the maquis has been betrayed.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
In late 1890s Wyoming, Butch Cassidy is the affable, clever and talkative leader of the outlaw Hole in the Wall Gang. His closest companion is the laconic dead-shot Sundance Kid. As the west rapidly becomes civilized, the law finally catches up to Butch, Sundance and their gang. Chased doggedly by a special posse, the two decide to make their way to South America in hopes of evading their pursuers once and for all.
Go Ride the Music and West Pole
Go Ride the Music was recorded in 1969 and focused on two of the Bay Area's biggest bands at the time, Jefferson Airplane and Quicksilver Messenger Service. The seven Airplane clips were shot at Pacific High Recording in San Franciso and feature their new drummer, Joey Cowington. Quicksilver Messenger Service was one of the original psychedelic bands and one of the most popular bands in the San Francisco scene in the late-60s. Hosted by Ralph J. Gleason, West Pole is an essay on the San Francisco music scene, originally airing in 1969. Featuring rare performances from both national and local favorites, this program is an in-the-moment glimpse of the scene, with only the hope of the future as a guide. Artists featured in this program include The Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Steve Miller Band, Ace of Cups, and Sons of Champlin.