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Search results for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

The Strange Case of Neptune
Melon Risk, CEO of a major American corporation, declares on social media that he will bring a diamond from Neptune to Earth. The ridiculous rumor sends the global jewelry market into a tailspin, and on the other side of the world, South Korean diamond dealer Kuhyuk has a busy and difficult day.
The Journey of Allen Strange
A humorous yet empathetic look at what would happen if an alien, lost and far from home, were to take on the form of an Earthbound teenage boy.
The Strange Tale of Oyuki
A story of Japanese writer Kafu Nagai (1879-1959), a man about sixty with a huge reputation of seducer who falls madly in love for a young geisha named Oyuki. Meticulous and smartly dressed, Nagai patiently wrote in his diary his thoughts during many years. A melancholy reflection on the passage of time and a brilliant interpretive exercise.
The Strange Vengeance of Rosalie
A traveling salesman is lured by a precocious teenage girl to her shack in the desert for some sexual escapades. However, a scuzzy biker comes along and they both find themselves dominated and tormented by him.
There are different children in one ward: one has completely gone into the virtual reality world of computer games and decided that he has ceased to be a person and turned into a Creature. The second, through the fault of his stepfather, was carried away by the ideas of Nazism. The third, a boy from a prosperous family, no longer wanted to live and tried to step off the balcony. The fourth is just silent and hates everyone.
20 Years Of Madness
When the eccentric cast of a mid-90s Public Access show in Detroit reunite after 20 years to make a new episode, they are forced to take a hard look at their lives and reconcile their teenage dreams with the realities of adulthood.
Madness of Youth
Salwa lives in a conflict between her weak mother and her lying father. Her friend Esmat introducer her to Alaa, a liberal who rejects traditions and moral restrictions in favor of bohemian life. Salwa falls for Alaa and runs away from home to live with him.
Doctor in Trouble
Dr. Burke is in love with Ophelia but doesn't have time to propose to her as she leaves for a cruise to the Mediterranean. Also on board the cruise ship is an old school chum of Burke's who plays 'Dr.Dare' in a very popular TV series and who women flock to. Burke decides to join the cruise, but is first apprehended as a stowaway, and then becomes the captain's steward. For Burke, trying to talk to Ophelia is a hard enough task, but he meets some funny characters on board, such as a pools winner and a very stubborn captain.
The Strange Case of Shiva
Shiva, a lonely designer gets obsessed with an image from a random encounter. Caught in a web of imaginary delusions, he awaits release by an arrival, from somewhere